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Young People Owe it to Themselves to Go Vote on Tuesday


And Their Jobs Owe Them Money for It.

Keith Baldwin
Keith Baldwin

Nov 04 | 2019

Election day is here.

Not the big one that the whole county is obsessed with—that’s still a year away. This is the little one in which your voice can actually make a difference.

All across the country, on Tuesday, November 5th, local elections and special elections give a voice to the tiny fraction of voters who will actually show up. Historically speaking, these are likely to be aging voters who no longer work or have the luxury to set their own schedules. Historically speaking, young people have allowed the local government to be ruled by this privileged and aberrant minority of voters, even as their interests and agendas have drifted further from the cultural center. Historically speaking, we’ve thrown our power away—and not just our power, we’ve been throwing away paid time off work!

old trump votersGetty

This is not like us. Aren’t we the generation of entitled slackers who use any excuse to skip work? Is that just a myth created by baby boomers to make us sound way cooler—and therefore more threatening—than we are? In almost every state in the US, your boss is legally required to give you time off on election day to go vote! And in most states, that time off is paid!

In New York, any employee scheduled to work on Election Day is allowed three hours paid time off. In California, it’s two hours. So why would you give away your labor? Find out where your polling place is, and figure out how long it takes to get there. If it’s less than the time you’re getting paid for, have you considered walking? If there’s one thing better than a lovely Autumn stroll in the afternoon sun, it’s getting your boss to pay for it.

What getting paid could look like on TuesdayShutterstock

Along with the countless municipal elections that will otherwise be decided by retirees, there are a number of state-level races worth watching, from the Virginia state legislature elections, which could flip both houses, to the effort to reinstate affirmative action measures in Washington state. In New York, several ballot measures have been getting attention, in particular the issue of ranked-choice voting, which will go into effect in 2021 if the voters choose it tomorrow.

Would you rather that decision be made by people who might not live to see it take effect? Or would you rather you and all your friends get a half-day to go vote? Remember how much you love half-days? So, take one! Spend ten minutes on ballotpedia, then take three hours off work.

Even if you think electoralism is a joke, and you devote your life to activism that will tear down the state and rebuild it from scratch, elections can build enthusiasm and political engagement. If anything, show up and write in “voting is for chumps.” Maybe a surprising turnout of young people will get some more people to start the long process of waking up to to political realities. Maybe some candidates will notice the demographics and start shifting their politics to appeal to people like you. It could happen!

Office Space

Or maybe you’ll just get a paid afternoon off, and watch your boss try—and fail—to argue with the law. Win-win.

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