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Does ‘Going Green’ Really Help the Environment?

Is there truth behind going green and can it really help save the planet?

Lauren Aguirre
Lauren Aguirre

Sep 11 | 2023

So many campaigns want you to recycle, avoid creating trash and reduce your carbon footprint. There are many, many tips online to living a green lifestyle. And many people are attempting to reduce waste and conserve energy — but is this enough to make an impact?

Sure, if every single person (or at least most people) in developed societies lived an eco-friendly lifestyle, there would be a significant impact on the environment. But right now, about 75 percent of Americans don’t do more than turn off the lights and recycle even though about 79% consider themselves environmentally conscious.

…fossil fuels are intertwined with pretty much everything we do.

If you live in an urban area, it might be a little easier to make more green lifestyle choices. Your city probably has the ability to recycle more than in other areas. You have access to public transportation and many more options when it comes time to shop or get groceries. These options just aren’t as widely available in suburban and rural areas. Some municipalities don’t even have any kind of recycling plant. Everything (including plastic, paper, bottles, and cans) goes to the dump. Besides the fact that going through the effort to change your lifestyle to become more green takes time and money that some just can’t spare.

But let’s take a step back. Even if a lot of people do everything right and live an incredibly environmentally conscious lifestyle, nothing will change. Why? Because fossil fuels are intertwined with pretty much everything we do. The solution to global warming isn’t rooted in going paperless (using paper is more eco-friendly than smartphones anyway). The solution is in fundamentally changing the very fabric of our economy. That’s not something individuals can do on their own.

Almost everything you buy and consume has to be transported to the store (for you to purchase. Within the country, this is done with trucks. Overseas, it’s usually done with ships or planes. Every single one of those vehicles burns some type of fossil fuels to get going. You probably burn them when you’re going to the store too. (You can’t get around this by ordering online either.)

In the end, using an electric car can actually put more carbon in the atmosphere than your average gas-powered car.

Electric cars are often seen as a solution for this. It’s better to use electricity than gas, right? Definitely — if most of the power didn’t come from burning fossil fuels. America’s power grid is powered by about 40 percent coal, 25 percent natural gas, 20 percent nuclear power, and about 10 percent renewable sources (mostly hydroelectricity). If you own or are considering an electric car, you would most likely still be burning fossil fuels. And that’s not even taking into account everything that goes into making a new car. Just like a regular car electric vehicles require precious metals and minerals to be manufactured. What’s more is all of the materials and parts are transported using fossil fuels as well as the final product itself. In the end, using an electric car can put more carbon in the atmosphere than your average gas-powered car.

Just about every facet of our modern economy depends on burning fossil fuels. That isn’t something one person can change. To live a sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle, we need to change everything about how we live. That just isn’t an easy process.

Of course, it still helps to reduce, reuse, and recycle — but that only makes a relatively small impact compared to the overall economy. But it isn’t all doom and gloom. The Paris Agreement was an encouraging step toward reducing carbon emissions around the world. If you really care about reducing your carbon footprint, the best solution is to organize and lobby companies and the government to change procedures and regulations. Ultimately, individuals independently choosing to live a greener lifestyle only make a small impact in reducing our global carbon footprint.

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