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We Shouldn’t Be This Worried About Bernie Sanders’ Health

It’s time we stop acting like the leading Democratic candidate is the only old guy who’s ever had a heart attack.

Abby Jones
Abby Jones

Feb 20 | 2020

Whoever your pick might be in the 2020 Presidential Election, there’s an overarching issue that’s been largely prominent: the age of the Democratic front-runner, Bernie Sanders.

At 78, Sanders would be the oldest elected president in the country’s history (a title currently held by Trump). The topic of his health became more hotly debated after he suffered a heart attack last October, resulting in him having two stents inserted. Though he bounced back to give one of his best debates yet that very same month, critics have been quick to cite Sanders’ declining health as a hindrance to his electability. The backlash is getting even louder as Sanders claims he won’t divulge his comprehensive health records. “We have released a detailed medical report, and I’m comfortable on what we have done,” he said this week during a CNN town hall.

Sanders’ campaign has released letters from three doctors who all asserted the senator is in good health. “I do not see a reason why he would not be able to function effectively in a high stress job,” said Dr. Mary Ann McLaughlin, director of cardiovascular health and wellness at Mount Sinai Heart in New York. Why are Sanders’ opposers so adamant that his health will fail him in office?

Yes, the senator is the oldest candidate in the race, but not by much: Michael Bloomberg and Joe Biden are 78 and 77 respectively, while Sanders’ fellow progressive Elizabeth Warren is 70—the same age as Trump when he was elected. The health of Bloomberg, Biden, and Warren hasn’t been scrutinized nearly as much as Sanders’. Sure, he might be the only one of the bunch who’s suffered a heart attack, but that alone shouldn’t be a disqualifier; notable politicians including President Dwight D. Eisenhower, President Lyndon Johnson, and Vice President Dick Cheney all proceeded with lengthy, successful careers in office despite suffering heart attacks early on.

A heart attack should not render an otherwise healthy candidate unfit for presidency, and Sanders’ campaign has offered enough proof of his well-being. Our country’s entire history has been predominantly dictated by old white men—why make an exception for someone who can instigate radical change?

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