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How the Republican Party Has Endangered People of Color (This Week, Anyway)

The Squad.

Trump’s words and actions have led our country into a terrifying state, a state in which the president has put people of color in severe danger.


Jul 19 | 2019

This week the Republican party has only helped to fuel Donald Trump’s racist fire. For many, this isn’t surprising. Trump began his attacks during his first campaign, targeting Mexican-Americans and generalizing them as “drug dealers, criminals, and rapists.” Once he was elected, Trump enforced a xenophobic Muslim ban and continued to fuel the fire of white supremacy.

Now, immigrants seeking asylum are dying in American custody. Overall, Trump’s words and actions have led our country to a terrifying state, a state in which the president has put minorities and POC immigrants in severe danger.

A lot has happened within the last seven days: It’s harder than usual to keep up with Trump and his minions’ actions. Here’s a timeline to help get you up to speed.

July 12th

Vice President Mike Pence and Republican Senators Lindsey Graham, John Cornyn, and Mike Lee visited a detention center in McAllen, Texas. The government officials observed around 400 men crammed in cages with no mats, no pillows, and barely room to sit down. The four men did not speak to any of the 400 immigrants and stayed in the detention center for only 90 seconds.

Vice President Mike Pence Visits Texas Migrant Detention Center |

July 14th

Only two days later, President Donald Trump took to Twitter to advise “progressive” congresswomen that, instead of participating in American politics, they should “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came.” The tweets were sent in the midst of ICE raids occurring across the nation. The tweets’ purpose was clear: Create hysteria targeting people of color in hopes of eradicating the immigrant population.

July 15th

A day after Trump’s tweets, Senator Lindsey Graham, who once called the President a “race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot,” defended him, proclaiming, “AOC and this crowd are a bunch of communists… they’re Anti-Semitic. They’re anti-America.”

Lindsey Graham’s Fox News

July 16th

On Tuesday, the House voted to condemn the President for his racist rhetoric. A President of the United States has not been formally rebuked a president in over a century. While the House voted in favor of the symbolic motion, the numbers included 240 Democrats in favor and 187 Republicans against. It’s noteworthy that only four Republicans voted in favor of condemning the president’s racist tweets.

That same night, Louisiana Senator John Kennedy referred to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (New York), Ayanna Pressley (Massachusetts), Ilhan Omar (Minnesota), and Rashida Tlaib (Michigan) as the “four horsewomen of the apocalypse.”

John Kennedy Blasts The

July 17th

On Wednesday, during President Trump’s rally in North Carolina, he again attacked the group of freshmen congresswomen, explicitly targeting the Minnesotan representative, a Muslim, and Somalian refugee, Ilhan Omar. His supporters began chanting, “Send her back.” The president stood silently for a mighty thirteen-second pause, head held high, as he proudly looked upon his supporters.

‘Send her back’: Trump batters Ilhan Omar on campaign

July 18th

The morning after, two of Twitter’s top trending hashtags were #IStandWithPresTrump and #IStandWithIlhan. A few hours later, a few GOP members finally spoke out about the chants. Senator Marco Rubio called the targeting of Representative Omar “grotesque.” A few other Republican Congressmen also spoke out on Twitter:

Trump later said he was “not happy” with the chants. When asked why he didn’t stop the crowd, he answered, “I think I did—I started speaking very quickly.”

Trump disavows supporters chant of ‘Send her back!’ at

The same day, John McCain was also trending on Twitter. Former Representative of Florida, David Jolly, tweeted about how he missed the moment when John McCain cut off a woman claiming Barack Obama was an “Arab.”

Senator Chuck Schumer also referred to the moment while addressing his colleagues.

Finally, to end this appalling timeline on a high note, here’s a video of Minnesotan Representative Ilhan Omar returning home to the Twin Cities. Watch as she’s celebrated below:

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