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How To Get In The Job Search Right Now

Liberty Project
Liberty Project

Jan 08 | 2021

Yes, we’re in a pandemic but that doesn’t mean you have to stay in a job you’re unhappy with. We understand that it’s a scary time to be on the job hunt but at the end of the day, your happiness is what matters most. Don’t be afraid to take a chance and see what’s out there right now– could be that your dream job is out there waiting for you to apply.

Once you’ve decided to start looking the process really kicks off with the most important but also most difficult piece: your resume. A resume is a first impression for employers and says a lot about who you are, where you’ve been, and where you see your career headed.

If you’re dreading the resume aspect you’re not alone. It’s a huge task no matter if you’re starting from scratch or dusting off and updating an old one. Styles and best practices for resumes are changing all the time and there’s no way to keep up with it all and find a job in the current competitive climate. That’s why we recommend turning to TopResume.

TopResume is a resume writing service, ready to take some of the pressure off your shoulders in the job search. Their team of professional writers helps you navigate the dos and don’ts of resume writing to help you stand out from the crowd. When you get started with TopResume they’ll provide you with a FREE resume analysis.

With their expert advice, you can take your resume to the next level. Although, the quality of a resume doesn’t necessarily determine if an employer will see it. Most companies use a technology known as applicant tracking systems (ATS) to collect, sort, and rank applicants – that means a Bot decides if a human will even get the chance to read your resume!

75% of applicants are rejected by ATS, so how do you get around it? Well, thankfully TopResumehas thought of that too. When you do your free resume analysis you’ll also get a free ATS scan, giving you general feedback and ATS compatibility. From there you can take advantage of their full writing services and get the leg-up you deserve.

While your self-made resume might be great, when you use TopResume you’re 2x more likely to get an interview. Put your best foot forward and get your resume to the top of the pile with these experts by your side.

Your resume tells a story, make sure it’s one that gets to be read and use TopResume. Looking for a job is always going to be scary, and it may seem like it’s not even worth the effort at the moment, but there are steps you can take with TopResumeto get the competitive edge you need and make sure your resume gets in front of the right people.

Stop stressing over your resume and hand it over to the experts. Get a professionally written resume today!