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Matt Clibanoff

Matt Clibanoff

Matt Clibanoff is a writer and editor based in New York City who covers music, politics, sports and pop culture. He currently serves as Lead Editor for Gramercy Media. His editorial work can be found in Inked Magazine, Pop Dust, The Liberty Project, and All Things Go. His fiction has been published in Forth Magazine. -- Find Matt at his website and on Twitter: @mattclibanoff

A Look at the Looming Water Crisis

How Safe is Your Smart Home?

The Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry

Firearms enthusiasts are leaving Youtube in search of greener pastures

Does Volunteering Actually Make a Difference?

How to Change Peoples’ Minds​ (Hint: it’s not with the truth)

The Food Gap is a Perfect Indictment of The Way We Treat Poverty

China’s Facial Recognition Technology has Advanced, but is it Safe?

As Google falters over data privacy, a second search engine war emerges

The Seven Strangest Collections in the World