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The Lazy Person’s Guide To Internet Privacy

Kaur Kristjan for Unsplash

8 ways to protect yourself, right now

Annie Fitzgerald
Annie Fitzgerald

Sep 25 | 2018

When I was studying in China, the other kids and I always freaked out when we were doing something illicit, like entertaining a Chinese friend or using an electric tea kettle, and the dorm attendant came knocking at the door. Clearly we were being surveilled. Over time, one of the things we grew to appreciate about the United States was our individual privacy. Obviously, since then, what seemed like an inviolable right has been casually thrown away like a pile of old VHS tapes. Where I once cherished my privacy, now I might as well be sprawled naked on the pavement in Times Square surrounded by my open passport, credit cards, bank statements, and diaries.

The Internet is an incredible tool, but it appeals to some of our worst tendencies: sloth, addiction, prurience. We love it because it’s free, although of course, we’re all paying a huge price. Even after debacles like Yahoo exposing the data of every single one of it’s users, three billion in all, or the Cambridge Analytica-Facebook scandal, how many people deleted any accounts, changed their privacy settings or read the epic and stultifying privacy agreements on social media? In the United States, what business theorist Shoshanna Zuboff terms “surveillance capitalism” was allowed to develop largely unregulated, allowing companies, in particular Google and Facebook, who rely on mining personal data for revenue to become, according to the New York Times, an “emerging duopoly that today controls more than half of the worldwide market in online advertising.”

This spring, the European Union enacted the General Data Protection Regulation, a sweeping law that requires companies use the highest possible privacy settings and disclose any type of personal data they are collecting. In June, California followed suit with its own Consumer Internet Privacy Act of 2018, the most robust in the nation. And federal regulations? Remember back in 2017—I know that seems like the Dark Ages with the current breakneck news cycle—when President Trump signed a repeal of an Obama-era law which, under the FCC, would have required broadband companies to get permission from their customers when they were collecting “sensitive data” such as browsing history and geolocation? In late July, the Commerce Department “began holding stakeholder meetings to identify common ground and formulate core, high-level principles on data privacy,” according to a senior official speaking to Reuters. In other words, don’t hold your breath waiting for federal legislation.

Even California’s law doesn’t go into effect until 2020. What can you do right now to protect your privacy? Here are some steps you can complete in under an hour that will beef up your computer or phone’s security:

1. Turn off location tracking for all of your Apps. You can turn them on selectively when you need them (such as with Uber).

2. Install automatic updates. This way your software will have the latest security features.

3. Cover your webcam with a piece of tape or post it like Mark Zuckerberg does. We know he’s an expert on shady ways to collect personal information.

4. Use a password on every computer and gadget, not just your phone. And make it at least six characters long and strong. 123456 or your birthday will simply not do.

5. Put your social media accounts on lockdown. Check your privacy settings. Don’t make everything public. Share only within a verifiable group of friends.

6. Avoid using public wifi connections. They can be convenient but the information you transmit is not secure.

7. Don’t give away personal information that you don’t have to. Phone number? Address? Birthdate? Nope. Facebook does not need to know.

8. Delete your search history regularly. This is critical if you use shared computers such as at school or in a library.

Consumer Reports has a useful list of nearly 70 other steps you can take to protect your security and privacy.

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