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Trump Jr. Was Channeling Kendall Roy on “The View” This Morning

The view was actually…interesting?

Keith Baldwin
Keith Baldwin

Nov 07 | 2019

Donald Trump Jr. appeared on this morning’s episode of The View with his partner Kimberly Guilfoyle as part of the promotional tour for Trump Jr.’s new book, Triggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us.

Meghan McCain Confronts Donald Trump Jr. on His Father’s ‘Character’ | The

If the purpose of the interview was to provoke as much drama and incoherent cross-talk as possible, it was a wild success. The insanity opened with Meghan McCain at her passive-aggressive best, insisting that people “miss the soul” of America, and asking if Trump Jr. felt good about his father insulting the gold star Khan family. From there things devolved into defensive accusations of blackface and rape-minimizing, rehashing of the Trump-McCain feud, and Whoopi Goldberg loudly pleading for an unspecified someone to apologize. Meanwhile, whoever runs Trump Jr.’s Twitter account was already on the offensive, digging up the video of Joy Behar discussing her “beautiful African woman” costume from 50 years ago.

Joy Behar as a "Beautiful African Woman"How is it not blackface?

As the interview continued, Trump Jr. deflected questions about Ukraine—and his tweet containing the name of an alleged whistle-blower—by calling out ABC and CBS for cooperating in the reported firing of an employee who recently leaked footage of anchor Amy Robach. The footage in question exposed an apparent top-down effort to bury the Jeffrey Epstein story. Jeffrey Epstein, of course, was the wealthy financier at the center of an elite pedophile ring who didn’t kill himself in his cell in the Metropolitan Correctional Center in August.

Amy Robach in leaked footageTry to ignore the fact that this was leaked by Project Veritas…

Apart from this public service, the whole interview was a mess. It should have been obvious to anyone watching that it was not going to go well. Along with the extensive history of vitriol passing between the Trump family and the hosts of The View, Trump Jr.’s appearance was a dead giveaway. He looked gaunt and waxen, his forehead slick with a sheen of cold sweat, eyes wild, red, and swollen with exhaustion. It was hard not to be reminded of Kendall Roy in the season two premiere of Succession. The haggard interview where his sister says he’s “like a sweaty corpse,” and his brother-in-law compares him to “an unshaven candle.”

Trump Jr. on "The View"

Of course Kendall Roy’s rough appearance in that interview is tied closely to his cocaine addiction. While it would be inappropriate to suggest that Donald Trump Jr. has any relationship with stimulants, it would explain his frenzied cadence as he declared that “it is worth it, when I go around the country, and I see people who are affected by these policies, who are getting to live their American dream again,” his words tripping over each other in the race to slip past his bleached-white teeth.

Triggered was published on Tuesday and has received rave reviews for containing delightful stories, like the time Donald Trump let Trump Jr. play video games with Michael Jackson and how that means he’s not racist. It’s available now, wherever awful ghostwritten books are sold.

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