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Joe Biden Has Officially Been Accused of Sexual Assault

Time’s Up, one of the largest organizations fighting against sexual assault, says they can’t help the alleged victim.

Abby Jones
Abby Jones

Mar 25 | 2020

Content warning: the following article contains a brief depiction of sexual assault.

For the entirety of his run in the 2020 presidential race (and much of his decades-long career), Joe Biden hasn’t had the best track record regarding his treatment of women.

The former vice president, who’s earned a shocking lead in the Democratic primaries thus far, has racked up multiple accusations from women who say he was inappropriate towards them. Many of these recounts involve a disregard for personal space, improper comments about appearance, and even some condescending finger-wagging, but none of them explicitly depicted a sexual assault. Until now.

Tara Reade didn’t initially go public with her sexual assault story about Joe Biden when it allegedly occurred in 1993. A staff assistant of Biden’s at the time, Reade told her brother and close friend but otherwise kept her story silent. But, in an episode recently aired of Katie Halper’s podcast, Reade has finally let her story out in the world.

Reade says that she was called to bring a gym bag to Biden, who was Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee at the time, near the Capitol. Nobody else was around. “We were alone, and it was the strangest thing,” Reade said. “There was no exchange, really. He just had me up against the wall.” In what seemed like one swift motion, she added, Biden had his hands under her clothes and then began penetrating her digitally. “I pulled back, and he said, ‘Come on, man, I heard you liked me’…It’s like he implied that I had done this.”

Reade tried to come forward with her story in April 2019, but she was halted after her claims of sexual harassment got her doxxed and smeared as a Russian agent. In January of this year, Reade tried again telling her story to Time’s Up, the organization that rose as Hollywood’s initial #MeToo movement unfolded. However, as Ryan Grim reports in The Intercept, Time’s Up couldn’t provide assistance “because Biden was a candidate for federal office, and assisting a case against him, Time’s Up said, could jeopardize the organization’s nonprofit status.”

Reade told Grim she was conflicted about coming forward with her sexual assault allegation as the 2020 election carried on because she feared she’d be “help[ing] Trump” win over Biden. But, if our two presidential front-runners are both men accused of sexual assault, and one of the largest organizations intended to help survivors can’t help at all, there’s a much larger issue than simply defeating Trump: It’s how we handle assault at the hands of the world’s most powerful men.

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