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Trump Declares May 1 “Law Day,” Coinciding With Nationwide Workers’ Strikes

Donald Trump By Evan El-Amin (Shutterstock)

Workers at Amazon, Target, Instacart, and other companies were planning to strike May 1.

Abby Jones
Abby Jones

Apr 30 | 2020

In just the most recent example of his utter uselessness and misdirected energy, President Trump has declared May 1, 2020, as Law Day in the United States.

“We know that our Republic can continue to shine as a beacon of liberty only if Americans diligently defend our Constitution and ensure that its limits are strongly enforced,” reads a statement signed by Trump on the official White House website. “On this Law Day, I urge all Americans to honor our shared inheritance of respect for the principles of the rule of law, limited government, and individual liberty. Let us rededicate ourselves to remaining ever vigilant in defending our rights secured by the Constitution so that our experiment in self‑government continues in perpetuity.”

This coincides with the massive strike scheduled to occur May 1 by essential employees at Amazon, Whole Foods, Target, Walmart, Instacart, and other companies in demand of better protections and benefits in the wake of the health crisis. Over the past few weeks, organizers have called for shoppers to boycott such companies and participate in the strike in support of essential workers.

Trump’s unanticipated declaration of Law Day, then, scans as a deliberate effort to suppress workplace strikes. Many of his supporters have been protesting stay-at-home orders and mask mandates, despite evidence suggesting that reopening the country this early could pose greater risk. Those who dismiss these preventative measures often claim to do so on the basis of protecting the country’s economy, seemingly without taking into account the healthcare workers who have been serving on the front lines of the virus.

Trump’s statement continues: “I urge all Americans, including government officials, to observe this day by reflecting upon the importance of the rule of law in our Nation and displaying the flag of the United States in support of this national observance; and I especially urge the legal profession, the press, and the radio, television, and media industries to promote and to participate in the observance of this day.”

Instead of sanctifying a 200-year-old document, Trump must focus his energy on undoing the damage he’s done as the crisis takes over. The Americans who have died of the virus have him to blame.

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