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Texas Can Ban Abortions Now

Governor Greg Abbott signed an executive order suspending “non-essential” medical procedures in the wake of the coronavirus, including abortions.

Abby Jones
Abby Jones

Apr 01 | 2020

Most of our country’s current administration certainly won’t go down in history for their handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

The nation’s top leaders long ignored warning signs of the virus, but that doesn’t mean Republicans can’t use COVID-19 to push their anti-abortion agenda. A number of governors, including Texas’ Greg Abbott, are suspending “non-essential” medical procedures for the time being, which so conveniently includes abortions. It must be nice to live a life in which accessing a safe abortion doesn’t directly affect you!

Lawmakers in favor of this have framed it as a way to minimize use of hospital resources in the wake of COVID-19. However, as we already know, cutting off access to safe and legal abortions doesn’t prevent abortions from happening; patients desperate for the procedure now will now be forced to travel, which creates the possibility of further spreading COVID-19 across states. Suspending abortions isn’t going to minimize the spread of coronavirus—it’s only going to put more people at risk.

Nevertheless, Governor Abbott issued an executive order to “postpone all surgeries and procedures that are not immediately medically necessary” from March 22 to April 21. As Jezebel reports, “On March 30, the ban was briefly lifted when a lower court ruled it unconstitutional in response to a complaint jointly filed by the Center for Reproductive Rights, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, and the Lawyering Project. But just one day later, three federal judges granted a temporary stay, which means the ban will resume.”

Progressives have been criticized by conservatives for weaponizing the coronavirus against Trump. But what’s more disgusting: rightfully criticising the most powerful man in the world’s poor handling of a pandemic, or abhorrently using the virus to further prevent Americans from getting necessary health care?

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