
“Close” to You” & “Good One” Review: When Family, Name, And Identity Are On The Line

Written By Samantha Phillips

Two August releases: Close to You (starring Elliot Page, and Hillary Baack, directed by Dominic Savage) and Good One (starring Lily Collias, James Le Gros, and Danny McCarthy, directed by India Donaldson).

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Trump Administration Aims to Redefine Gender

A government agency proposes to restrict gender identity to only "male" or "female."

The Trump administration is attempting to scale back civil rights of transgender and non-binary identifying persons. The New York Timesexposed an interoffice memo from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) proposing to dictate the definitions of "sex" and "gender" "on a biological basis that is clear, grounded in science, objective and administrable."

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