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Trying to Pack a Healthy Lunch? Avoid Using These Items

Stay away from these lunch containers and packing items.

Lana Bandoim
Lana Bandoim

Aug 21 | 2018

Once you’ve conquered the temptation of eating out for lunch every day, packing your own food seems like the perfect alternative. However, if you’re packing certain items, then that brown bag lunch could be doing more harm than good. Before you start stuffing a lunchbox with cut vegetables and sandwiches, consider the following packing items you should avoid.

1. Plastic Containers for Microwaving

No one wants to eat cold soup or a frozen burrito for lunch, but microwaving food in plastic containers that you bring from home may expose you to chemicals such as bisphenol-A (BPA) or phthalates. Harvard Health recommends checking that the plastic containers have microwave-safe labels, which means they have been tested not to leak chemicals into your food. In addition, don’t use old or scratched plastic containers because they may expose you to chemicals. Instead, consider switching to glass or ceramic items that are safe for microwaves.

Plastic water bottles

2. Plastic Water Bottles

You may think that BPA-free plastic water bottles are safe, but one study found that almost all plastic products release chemicals. Even the BPA-free items may be dangerous. When researchers took a variety of plastic products and put them through common-use stresses such as ultraviolet radiation from the sun or microwaving, they leaked chemicals. If you care about your health, switch to stainless steel, glass, or ceramic water bottles.

An alternative to plastic cling wrap made from beeswax

3. Plastic Cling Wrap

Whether you wrap a sandwich in it or use it to cover a bowl meant for the microwave, plastic cling wrap can seem like a convenient solution. However, you may be paying for it with your health. If the plastic cling wrap comes in contact with hot food while it’s in the microwave, it can melt a little. This means you’ll be eating some plastic along with the soup. Consider eliminating the plastic wrap completely. Some alternatives include paper towels, wax paper, beeswax wraps, and cotton bowl covers. If you must use a microwave, then choose silicone lids or white paper towels to cover the food.

4. Dangerous Lunchboxes

If you’re worried about packing a healthy lunch, don’t forget to check the lunchbox. One study tested 40 children’s lunch boxes and found 35 percent of them contained lead. Many adults also use these boxes to pack their food for work, so it’s crucial to check for recalls and verify that the lunchbox you’re using is safe. Make sure it says lead-free on the labels. Also, consider using a stainless steel lunchbox since it won’t leak chemicals.

5. Single-Use Food Items

From cups of applesauce to plastic packets of ketchup, single-use food items sometimes make their way into packed lunches. Not only are they creating unnecessary waste, they’re usually made from plastic. Some ways to eliminate single-use food items from your lunch include buying larger items and only bringing a small amount with you in a container, or rethinking how you eat and pack food. For instance, consider layering a salad in a mason jar, so the sauce is on top, and you don’t need to bring a single-use packet of ranch dressing.

The next time you’re packing a healthy lunch, think about the entire lunchbox. Consider all the items you’re using, such as the containers, so you can limit chemicals and plastic. It will be healthier for you and for the planet.

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