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Where in the U.S. Can You Actually Survive on Minimum Wage?

“Getting by” is a notably nebulous term and what a stark contrast to a “livable wage.”

Marie Young
Marie Young

Mar 19 | 2024

Updated: 3/4/2024

“What you don’t necessarily realize when you start selling your time by the hour,” writes Barbara Ehrenreich in Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America, “is that what you’re really selling is your life.”

The going hourly rate for your life is? $7.25 if you go by the federal minimum wage, which hasn’t been raised since 2009. 30 states mandate a higher minimum wage than the federal level. A minimum wage job will fetch you $17 an hour in Washington, D.C.; $16.28 in Washington; $16 in California; and in both Connecticut it’s $15.69.

But where can you live so that wage is enough to get by?

“Getting by” is a notably nebulous term. In 2018, the federal poverty level for an individual was $13,590. Work 40 hours a week at $7.25 an hour for all 52 weeks of the year, and you’ll top out at the relatively princely $15,080. But if you have two children that salary puts you over $10,000 below the poverty line.

And “getting by” is in stark contrast to a “livable wage.” When the website Zippia crunched the numbers using MIT’s Living Wage Calculator, Kentucky, the most affordable, still required $43,308 annually to support two adults and one kid.

Across the country, a single parent working minimum wage with two children should expect to sleep in the living room. A new study by the National Low Income Housing Coalition found there’s not a single county or metropolitan area in the United States in which a minimum-wage worker can afford a two-bedroom home.

There are only 12 counties in the country where a one-bedroom home is within reach at all, and most of them are in rural areas, where jobs are few and far between.

“I grew up hearing over and over, to the point of tedium, that ‘hard work’ was the secret of success: ‘Work hard and you’ll get ahead’ or ‘It’s hard work that got us where we are,'” writes Ehrenreich. “No one ever said that you could work hard — harder even than you ever thought possible — and still find yourself sinking ever deeper into poverty and debt.”

So where can a person scrape by on minimum wage? identified the largest cities where the minimum wage is higher than the federal $7.25-an-hour minimum wage. Here’s our list — from the weakest to strongest deal — of the 5 best places to live on for very, very little.

Tucson, Arizona

Although Azizona’s minimum wage rose to $14.35 an hour in the last few years, Tucson’s rents have kept a pace at an average of $910 a month.

Fresno, California

At a 40-hour workweek, California’s generous $16 minimum wage is a comparatively princely $31,200. However, the pricey median rent of $1,041 ($12.5K per year) will take a chunk out of your walking-around money.

Detroit, Michigan

The minimum wage is $10.33 an hour but the basic rent in Motor City is just under $700. Things are starting to improve in terms of affordable housing.

Bakersfield, California

Again, we’re talking bountiful California so there’s a bit more cash to play with. What makes a difference here is Bakersfield rents are $1,031 monthly. Hmm — not sure why they’re this high on the list. But that’s for you.

Cleveland, Ohio

Topping the list for it-can-be-done is Cleveland, where the minimum wage is over $3 more per hour than federal wages. The capper is rent. An average rent is a mere $620 with a population of close to 400,000.

But this life is far from the high life. Living on an extreme budget year-round is like trying to thrive long-term on a super-restrictive diet — it’s not sustainable. And the stress of poverty is so profound, it can shave years off people’s lives.

“People go to work to ‘make a living,'” writes Kate McGahan, “and yet it seems to me they just work very hard to pay for a life that they cannot live because they are so busy working to pay for it.”

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