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How This Busy Mom Fits Workouts Into Her Schedule

Liberty Project
Liberty Project

Feb 08 | 2018

f you’re anything like me, your workout routines come and go in waves. I’ll start out strong with a new program, but a few weeks in—my kids get sick or I can’t find the time between practice and recitals and I’ve missed a week of running. I keep planning on getting back on track and suddenly, it’s been two months since my last workout. I literally used to repeat this cycle over and over, until I came across this fitness app called Aaptiv, and it has been the best fitness decision I’ve ever made.

Aaptivis an app that offers a variety of audio workouts led by certified personal trainers. Since the classes are audio based, you can do them anytime, anywhere. They have just about every kind of workout you can think of: running, strength training, yoga. Each workout has its own custom playlist, which is perfect because who really has the time to create playlists anymore? Classes are anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour so there are classes short enough to fit into that half-hour window between getting home from work and prepping dinner. This app was exactly what I was looking for — workouts I could do on my own schedule. I also loved that I could schedule workouts into my iCalendar and get reminders on my phone to actually do them.

Jogging is my workout of choice — it’s quick, simple and gets me outside for a few minutes. Aaptiv has plenty of running classes and trainers to choose from but Jamie is my favorite. Her playlists are always filled with Classic Pop (think Madonna and MJ) and her energy not only keeps me motivated, it also makes the minutes fly by. Jaime has one class called “Sprint City” that is my go-to. It is 24 minutes long and utilizes my upper and lower body to get a great balanced workout. Her motivational, tough love style always gives me that extra push and I feel like I’m getting the most out of each workout. I also love the elliptical and strength training classes that I can to do indoors when the weather isn’t cooperating.

Aaptiv has brought nothing but positivity into my life. I have finally been able to keep up with regular workout routine for months. I’ve noticed a difference in my endurance and it has become something I actually look forward to with my busy schedule. Jaime’s energy always lifts my mood and the calendar reminders have become my best friend. I even feel like my kids are learning the importance of fitness because of how I’ve been able to prioritize it. Aaptiv makes it almost impossible to get stuck in a rut and that’s what I love about it.

Update 8/27/18: For a limited time only, Aaptiv is extending a special offer to our readers! Follow this link and get a free month trial now!