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Keith Baldwin

Keith Baldwin

Keith Baldwin is a teacher and a writer. He lives in Queens, NY. Tweet your anger at @kerobaldwin

To Donald Trump: 5 Ways You’re Actually a Flawless Being Doing a Beautiful, Unbelievable Job Right Now

Guardian Angels Clash with Rioters in NYC: A Better Model for Policing?

Reopening Isn’t About the Economy—It’s About Kicking People off Unemployment

Why You Should Join Workers From Amazon, Walmart, and FedEx in the May 1st General Strike

Why Was New York’s Presidential Primary Really Canceled?

Donald Trump Is Encouraging His Supporters to Spread Death

Why Is Bernie Sanders Endorsing Joe Biden—While Staying on the Ballot?

The Coronavirus Reveals How Fragile American Society Has Become

Rush Limbaugh is a Cancer in American Politics

Could the DNC Steal Votes From Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire and Beyond?