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Jamal Khashoggi Disappearance Update

The pressure is building for Saudi Arabia to disclose information about the journalist’s disappearance.

Brooke Ivey Johnson
Brooke Ivey Johnson

Oct 18 | 2018

Reports now confirm that Maher Abdulaziz Mutreba, a frequent companion of Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, entered the Saudi consulate in Istanbul shortly before journalist Jamal Khashoggi arrived.

The time-stamped photograph is one of the most condemning pieces of evidence to link Khashoggi’s October 2nd disappearance to the crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman.

Associated Press

The New York Times reports that Sabah, a Turkish newspaper, also published photos of Mutreb “outside the Saudi consul general’s home, leaving a Turkish hotel with a large suitcase, and leaving the country from Istanbul’s international airport — all later that day.”

This news comes in the wake of Steven Mnuchin, Treasury Secretary, announcing that he will not attend an upcoming investor conference in Saudi Arabia because of Khashoggi’s disappearance. The DOW dropped 400 points after Mnuchin’s tweet confirming his withdrawal.

Mnuchin had previously said he planned to attend the Future Investment Initiative, despite reports in the American and Turkish press alleging the gory dismemberment of the journalist at the hands of individuals with ties to high-up Saudi officials.

It’s likely that Mnuchin’s decision was influenced by several European countries recently announcing their respective withdrawals from the conference. The Trump administration had reportedly been waiting to see what other countries would do before making a decision about American representation at the conference.

This withdrawal comes as a surprising development in light of President Trump’s repeated defense of Saudi Arabia since the news of Khashoggi’s disappearance broke. Trump said the crown prince of Saudi Arabia “totally denied” knowledge about the suspected death of the journalist and that information about the matter would be coming “shortly.”

But CNN reports that a group of Saudi men, who Turkish officials believe were involved in Khashoggi’s apparent killing, were led by a high-ranking intelligence officer, with one source saying he was close to the inner circle of the country’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

With news of Mutreba’s presence at the consulate, as well as the many withdrawals from the Future Investment Initiative, many speculate that the Saudis will soon be forced to reveal more information about Khashoggi’s disappearance.

Brooke Ivey Johnson is a Brooklyn based writer, playwright, and human woman. To read more of her work visit her blog or follow her twitter @BrookeIJohnson.

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