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How I Got My Pre-Baby Body Back in my 4th Trimester

Liberty Project
Liberty Project

Nov 28 | 2018

After giving birth, Instagram became my enemy. My newsfeed was filled with pictures of women whose bodies “bounced back after baby” impossibly fast. It just wasn’t realistic for me. Pants that used to fit wouldn’t come close to zipping, and I didn’t have time to shower much less plan a trip to the gym. I had the baby, but I still looked pregnant, and was beginning to worry my body would never bounce back. Then my friend recommended Aaptiv, a workout app where a trainer walks you through custom designed workouts from the convenience of your headphones. The best part is Aaptiv has an entire line of workouts tailor made for postnatal bodies, so you can get expert help navigating exercise after birth on your own time.

Here are five reasons Aaptiv was my secret weapon for regaining my confidence post-baby:

1. Your body has changed, and so should your exercise plan.

After giving birth, your body is different than it was before. Your organs have shifted, muscles have stretched, and hormonal changes make you tired. You can’t just hop back into the same workout plan you used before getting pregnant. Aaptiv works with experts to create exercise plans specifically for your new body. Even if you don’t understand your new body, the Aaptiv trainers do, so you can be rest assured you’re in good hands.

2. You’re on baby time.

Let’s be real, it’s a newborn’s world, we’re just living in it. Being a new mom can feel like being an on-demand assistant for the most demanding client in the world. When baby sleeps, you sleep, when baby’s hungry, you feed, when baby’s awake, everyone is awake. So how are you supposed to make it to workout classes or schedule time to meet a trainer? Aaptiv brings the trainer to you, so you can exercise on your own time, from wherever you want. If you can’t make it to a gym, you can use Aaptiv at home for maximum convenience.

3. Because, some days stroller walks are as much as you can handle.

I don’t know about you, but with my newborn, sleep became a thing of the past. And because I was breastfeeding I couldn’t even drinking coffee to perk up. That meant my energy level was low most days. Aaptiv knows that and has stroller exercises designed to sneak in little workouts while going for walks with your baby. These were a lifesaver for me, letting me take small steps to get more active when I didn’t have the time or energy for a full workout.

4. Working out for two is harder than it looks.

I meant to work out while I was pregnant, I really did. But navigating the gym while pregnant is harder than it seems. I loved being pregnant, and I felt great about my body because it was growing my baby. So the motivation to exercise just wasn’t there. I felt like my body was going to get bigger anyway, why fight it? But after the baby arrived, all the excess fat just made me feel bad about myself. For me, postnatal exercise was crucial to regaining my confidence, and Aaptiv’s workouts let me exercise at my own pace — even if that had slowed down from months of skipping the gym.

5. You need a holistic, healthy approach to postnatal wellness.

Feeling good about your body again after giving birth is about more than a number on the scale. Aaptiv offers a range holistic options, like guided meditation classes, mindfulness, stretching, and supportive motivation. Regaining your confidence and staying happy and healthy means treating your body, mind, and spirit. Aaptiv helped me focus on my own journey and stop comparing myself to unattainable Instagram moms.

Aaptiv’s was my saving grace for beginning a post-natal exercise plan. Now I can zip up my pre-baby dresses, and more importantly, I have the confidence to rock them.

Update 11/28/18:Follow this link and try Aaptiv for free your first 7 days!

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