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Sorry Joe, Holding Criminals Accountable Is Exactly What Americans Do

MSNBC via YouTube

“We are Americans and we do not do that.” Uh, yeah Joe, we do.

Dan Kahan
Dan Kahan

Oct 28 | 2019

After making an appearance at Game 5 of the World Series, Donald Trump got an unexpected surprise––he learned that pretty much everybody attending the game hated him.

In a karmic callback to the “lock her up!” chants that continue to arise at every Trump rally, in opposition to Hillary Clinton, baseball fans gleefully chanted “lock him up!” as soon as Donald Trump showed up on the jumbotron. (As an aside, Clinton was fully investigated by the State Department for using a private email, and while investigators agreed that her online behavior was not necessarily safe, they found “no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information.” Trump’s family has done the exact same thing while working in the US government, which seems ridiculously hypocritical, but what else is new?)

Here’s Trump being publicly jeered during America’s favorite pastime:

And here’s his face after realizing what’s happening. Hilarious:

While everyone who isn’t an absolute troglodyte is fine with the American people voicing their disdain for an international mobster and 25-times-accused, alleged-but-pretty-much-self-admitted sex offender occupying the highest political office in the country, one bespectacled termite held tight to his pearls.

MSNBC Morning Joe host, Joe Scarborough––a man who has built a career on his inability to distinguish between a fencepost and a chair––had this to say:

“We are Americans and we do not do that. We do not want the world hearing us chant ‘Lock him up’ to this president or to any president.”

Except, here’s the thing, Joe: Yeah. We really do do that.

The rest of the world needs to know that the majority of the American people reject Donald Trump. Currently, 54.6% of Americans disapprove of Donald Trump (40.6% approve and the rest, presumably, are in a collective coma). Over half the country currently supports opening an impeachment inquiry. And, while it’s been said ad nauseum, it always bears repeating: Trump lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. In short, Trump might represent America as a landmass, but he does not represent the will of the majority American populace.

In America, we should want criminals to be held accountable regardless of whether or not they are the President. We should want criminals held accountable regardless of whether or not they are Democrats or Republicans, or if we agree with their personal views. In the United States, nobody should be above the law. Especially if they’re the President.

So, sorry Joe, but you’re very, very wrong. Reach up way into your butt and pry out that fence post before it pierces an organ. The American people are speaking, and it’s time to listen. Lock him up.

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