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Everything You Need To Know About The Best Relief For Nerve Pain

How LifeRenew gave me my life back

Liberty Project
Liberty Project

Dec 20 | 2019

After a few years of suffering in pain with frequent tingling, numbness, and even loss of sensation in my hands and feet, my doctor diagnosed me with Idiopathic Neuropathy.

What the hell is that? Neuropathy is the medical term for nerve pain, and idiopathic just means they can’t determine exactly what’s causing it. He told me that neuropathy is commonly associated with diabetes, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, bacterial and viral infections, liver and kidney damage, and many other causes. Still, sometimes the cause can’t be determined.

All my doctor could do was give me painkillers for when the pain got too much. That was all I took for a few years till my pain got so bad that my friend noticed and asked what I had. He told me his wife had neuropathy as well but is no longer in pain since taking LifeRenew’s NerveRenew capsules.

I am no medical professional, but after a little bit of light research into the ingredients in NerveRenew and seeing all the amazing reviews, I knew I had to give it a try.

I started with their two-week trial and haven’t looked back since. My pain and numbness have eased so much in my hands and feet that I forget that I even have neuropathy. NerveRenew has restored happiness and joy back into my life as it helps me live my life pain-free. Something I never thought would be possible.

But before I took NerveRenew I had a few questions, so here they are along with the answers for you curious people.

What makes NerveRenew so Effective?

The amazing ingredients in NerveRenew are like nothing else in any other supplement. The capsules contain three main active ingredients, Vitamin B1, B12, and R-Alpha Lipoic Acid.

Numerous clinical studies show that Vitamin B1 in it’s Benfotiamine form is highly effective in reducing nerve pain. Coupling it with B12 (Methylcobalamine form) creates the perfect synergy, as B12 is capable of producing nerve regeneration.

NerveRenew not only contains Vitamin B1 and B12, in these forms but also the amazing antioxidant, R- Alpha Lipoic Acid. This acid eases nerve pain by increasing blood flow and oxygen supply to nerve cells. It has the perfect lipophilic structure to pass through the blood-brain barrier, increasing its effectiveness at the site of pain.

All three of these natural ingredients have proven their effectiveness in reducing nerve pain, and all three of their most active forms make up the main ingredients in NerveRenew- making it 3X more bioavailable.

Are there any side effects?

No. Unlike prescription medicine, NerveRenew doesn’t cause any nasty side effects, as all the ingredients are naturally sourced and lab-tested to ensure potency, purity, and quality. It’s also safe to take if you are on any other medication, as it will not interfere with other medication. Do I need a subscription? No, but it will save you money. You can buy a bottle (60 capsules) in a one time purchase for $69.99, or you can subscribe and get 20% off, meaning it only costs $55.20, and you also get free shipping.

With the subscription, LifeRenew will send you your NerveRenew capsules every 30 days. Don’t have to about running out.

How often do I have to take it?

Take one capsule in the morning and one in the evening. It is recommended that you them about 30 minutes before eating.

What if it doesn’t work for me?

LifeRenew is so confident that you will feel a difference with NerveRenew that they offer a 100% Money-Back Guarantee from one year that you order your bottle.

NerveRenew has given me back my life. I have even taken on new hobbies like cycling and hiking, now that I feel I’m back to my best. If you feel like nothing else has helped you with your neuropathy, then you need to try NerveRenew.

Update: Jumpstart your health with a FREE 14 day trial today! Click here and save almost 30% on your first bottle!