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8 Places That No Longer Exist Due to Climate Change

Hotel Belvedere, Switzerland

Amusing Planet

Climate change is happening right now, and it’s already destroying people’s livelihoods.

Eden Gordon
Eden Gordon

May 25 | 2023

Climate change is often framed as a problem of the future—something that “will happen” if we fail to act.

But the truth is that climate change is happening right now, and it’s already destroying livelihoods. Climate change is the droughts, the hurricanes, the wildfires, and the floods that are occurring with increasing frequency. It’s the extreme heat, which is debilitating to some but which others can easily drown out with air conditioning.

Climate change generally harms poor communities and communities of color far more than it harms the primary drivers of rising global temperatures, namely corporations and those who benefit from corporate success. Ironically, poor communities that contribute very little to climate change tend to be the ones who have to deal with its worst effects.

Still, climate change will come for us all one way or another—that much is clear. Climate change is even beginning to damage luxury hotels, infringing on the isolated worlds of the super-rich. Here are eight places around the world that are already disappearing because of climate change. Chilling harbingers of what’s to come if we don’t act, these places are also testaments to overconsumption and the brutal effects of humanity’s utter lack of care for the planet and for our fellow humans.

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